Bottom Buddy® in Media
In early 2000 The Bottom Buddy was featured in Medtrade’s New Product Pavilion, where you will see the most innovative Home Medical Equipment products which have been in the market for less than one year. The Bottom Buddy was very well received for the innovative design and ease of use.
About Medtrade:

Medtrade’s New Product Pavilion is where you will see the most innovative Home Medical Equipment products which have been in the market for less than one year.

The Home Medical Equipment industry is constantly evolving, but one thing remains the same – the demand for the latest products and technology. At Medtrade, thousands of qualified attendees will be there to buy the products and services that are right for their customers, and that will ensure the success of their business.
The Bottom Buddy seized this great opportunity to take advantage of all Medtrade had to offer and improve their relationships with current customers, and create new alliances.
"Medtrade is definitely worth your time. It refreshes your thinking power!"
"Attending Medtrade show played an instrumental role in keeping us a leader in our field."
Bottom Buddy® was awarded FIRST PLACE in Best of Show, during the 2001 Yankee Invention Exposition
About the Yankee Invention Expo:
By taking first place in this exposition Bottom Buddy® was featured as "the" product of the show.
Since 1995 the Exposition, together with the Entrepreneur Workshops provided a common meeting ground for new inventors from around the world, people with new products in different stages of development, businessmen looking for new products that their company could license and manufacture, and a source of much needed information, resources, education, and best of all, networking.
The Yankee Entrepreneur Workshops provide the much needed education to help the inventors and business people achieve their goals by focusing on the combination of innovation, invention, technology and the entrepreneurial application to business.
The Doctors TV Show
Hygien'ease Technologies was very surprised and very pleased to be contacted by a senior associate producer on the Doctors Emmy Award winning talk show in Los Angeles, CA. The Doctors talk show discuss a range of various health related topics and answers from viewers who are too embarrassed to ask their doctors.
The Doctors Show was planning an episode on all BUTT-related topics and through research they discovered the Bottom Buddy toilet tissue aid and was very interested in featuring the Bottom Buddy. This was a very successful venture as it resulted in numerous requests for information, orders and inquiries to become a new distributor.
Hygien'ease Technologies provided 200 units for the audience give away on the day of taping and the show aired February, 2013.